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“The passion that Meredith Hodges feels for the equines that she has fought for all her adult life is still as fresh, inspiring and infectious as it was when she first discovered the world of horses, donkeys and mules. She has never wavered in her devotion to them and in her mission to carve a lasting and honored place for them in our world. They are lucky to have her as their champion, but Meredith actually sees it a bit differently. She feels honored and privileged to be a part of their world.”

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Ground Breaking - Raising the Barn

Hearts and Horses broke ground on a new arena where they will continue to change lives through therapeutic riding. The new arena will be called Lucky Hearts, as much of the funding for the arena was given by Lucky Three Ranch.

Hearts & Horses Virtual Tour

Haven’t made it out to the Hearts & Horses ranch yet? Here’s your chance, thanks to our brand new virtual tour! Discover all of the state-of-the-art facilities designed to heal minds, bodies, and spirits at our 23-acre ranch in Loveland, Colorado.

Latest Podcast

MULE TALK! PODCAST: Rock and Roll: Diary of a Rescue: Part 2

Rock and Roll: Diary of a Rescue: Part 2 –
  • Hear the amazing story of Rock and Roll – the rescued draft mule team, the discovery of their injuries, and the dedicated team of professionals working hard to give longevity to their lives. There were comebacks and setbacks; this incredible story will touch your heart and soul.
  • This episode explains in detail about Roll since the passing of his half-brother, Rock. They spent many years together hitched and pulling a wagon.


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MULE CROSSING: Good Basic Training Includes Common Sense, Part 2

By Meredith Hodges Proper training is much more than just teaching your equine to do “movements.” You are conditioning his body so he can do those movements easily, which in turn produces an equine with a happy and healthy working attitude. In order to do this, you need to be prepared to spend plenty of time during the leading stage of training both on flat ground and then over obstacles, conditioning the “core” muscles that support your animal’s skeletal frame. When training any equine for saddle or driving, you will ...

MULE CROSSING: Conduct and Good Sportsmanship

By Meredith Hodges Welcome to the wonderful world of mules! The mule is a product of the successful breeding of a male donkey, called a jack, and a female horse, called a mare. Mules can either be male or female, but they are unable to reproduce because of an odd number of chromosomes in their genetic makeup. When training mules, one needs to take into account the donkey half of the mule as well as the horse half. Horses can often be trained without the benefit of a personal relationship, ...

MULE CROSSING: Equine Industry Trends

By Meredith Hodges
  • Military Horsemanship began with Xenophon who was born c. 430 BC, in the deme Erchia of Athens. Xenophon's father, Gryllus, was a member of a wealthy equestrian family and worked on many of the principles of classical dressage. Xenophon emphasized training the horse through kindness and reward. These principles made their way to the Spanish Riding School in Vienna, Austria where Colonel Podhasky rode for General Patton after WWII. This style of riding, Dressage, made its way to the West and was been transformed into Western Dressage.
  • ...

MULE TALK! PODCAST: Mule Conformation

Mule Conformation
  • Ideal qualities to look for in a mule.
  • What to look for in the ideal head, neck, and shoulders of the mule. Mare and Both the mare and the jack contribute to the qualities desired in the mule.
  • Be selective in your breeding program to producing desirable mules.
  • Bone structure is important when selecting a mule for a job or performance.
  • The mule overall should have a balanced look to his body.
  • Pay attention to the hip, stifle, and gaskin, that should have a smooth-muscled look.
  • Mules ...

MULE CROSSING: Good Basic Training Includes Common Sense, Part 1

By Meredith Hodges Many times I have been asked, “Is training a mule any different than training horses?” The answer to this is “Yes.” Since a mule is half horse and half donkey, the trainer must learn to appeal to the donkey half of the mule as well as the horse half. Donkeys are very sensitive animals requiring infinite patience and understanding. They possess a natural willingness to please which is evident when their training is approached properly.  When training is done incorrectly, they will exhibit resistant behaviors that include ...

MULE TALK! PODCAST: The Benefit of Organizational Skills

The Benefit of Organizational Skills
  • Find out how to organize your show clothes, tack, saddles and grooming supplies for an upcoming show.
  • When to bathe and clip your mule.
  • Vacuum and other grooming supplies.
  • Blanketing your mules.
  • Keep your paperwork on mules, truck and trailer in hand.
  • Delegate tasks to show volunteers.
  • How to be competitive, confident in your presentation.
  • Pay attention to your show equipment in being competitive for your class.
  • Be prepared for your classes.
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MULE TALK! PODCAST: Getting Down with Minis, Part 2

Getting Down with Minis Learn about:
  • Mini group grooming - how it works to save time
  • Body - clipping
  • What to feed for a balanced nutrition program for minis
  • Knowing body language in working around minis
  • Efficient grooming practices & more
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WRANGLER’S DONKEY DIARY: After the Winter Break: 3-29-21

Wrangler is such a goof ball! Because Wrangler would lock up in front of the Tack Barn and not want to walk over the grate, I got smart and learned to take Chasity to the Tack Barn first. Then, he didn’t even notice the grate and walked right in! However, he gets pretty rambunctious about waiting his turn. I could lead them both at once, but he needs to learn to be by himself with me sometimes...and BEHAVE! When I first got Wrangler, he would get excited like this and ...

MULE TALK! PODCAST: Getting Down with Minis, Part 1

Getting Down with Minis Learn about:
  • How to earn their trust at their level.
  • Approaching your mini in a non-threatening way.
  • Haltering and leading your mini.
  • Lungeing your minis.
  • Keep your lessons short and fun!
  • How to introduce object to your mini.
  • Ground driving your mini.
  • The do's and don'ts are so important.
  • Grooming is not all that easy.
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MULE TALK! PODCAST: Maintenance & Grooming with Mules & Donkeys

Maintenance & Grooming Learn about:
  • Use grooming tools that are comfortable for your mules and donkeys.
  • Expensive horse/equine grooming tools are not all necessary to keep in your tack room or trailer.
  • Insect control around the barn - what works.
  • If showing: when to body clip your mule and how to body clip.
  • Treating sores/scabs.
  • Group grooming.
  • Pasteworming is effective in controlling insects and flies - learn what to use!
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MULE TALK! PODCAST: A Bit About Communication

A Bit About Communication - Achieving Balance & Harmony Learn about:
  • Different types of bits and the different metals used to develop in equine bits.
  • Snaffle bits and the different types that are recommended to use on your mule or donkey.
  • Curb/leverage bits used in Western riding.
  • The difference between a curb bit and a snaffle bit.
  • Bridles and headstalls for your mule/donkey.
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MULE TALK! PODCAST: Benefits of Postural Core Strength Training

Meredith shares the benefits for postural core strength training with your mules.
  • Discover what happens to your mule(s) that are trained for Postural Core Strength.
  • Using the Elbow Pull.
  • How to make the Elbow Pull for your mule.
  • The benefits of the hourglass pattern - simple and easy to do!
  • The benefits of implementing these techniques into your training/riding.
  • Emotional, physical benefits of Postural Core Strength Training
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MULE TALK! PODCAST: Riding Side Saddle (Aside)

Meredith shares her experience growing up as a tomboy and progressing to riding side saddle then riding in elegance.
  • Belle Star rode side saddle!
  • How to achieve position and security when riding in a side saddle.
  • Learn the three types of side saddles and what they offer.
  • Learn the proper attire when riding aside.
  • Men do ride Side Saddle!
  • Shows/classes that offer side saddle.
  • Proper bits to use when showing in side saddle.
  • Care and reconditioning of side saddles.
  • There are Side Saddle organizations!
This and more on ...

MULE CROSSING: Getting Down with Minis, Part 1

By Meredith Hodges Miniature horses, donkeys and mules all have one thing in common; everyone else is taller than they are! That makes eye contact with the trainer very difficult if not impossible for them. As the saying goes, the eyes are the window to the soul so it is understandable that they would become anxious if they are unable to look into a person’s eyes to decide whether they are friend or foe. I have five miniature equines: a mini horse named Mirage, a mini mule named Franklin, a ...


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Donkey Training

Chasity’s Challenges: Chasity’s Health Check 3-31-20

Our veterinarian, Greg Farrand, came to do a health check on Chasity the day after she arrived. She obviously needs a lot of core strength work, but it will improve her health and keep her occupied while she is in quarantine. Simple core strength leading lessons will have a dramatic effect on her overall health and welfare both physically and mentally. Wrangler looks on with interest as the vet surveys her condition. He thought because of her enlarged, fallen crested neck and all the fatty deposits over her body that ...

Another Augie and Spuds Adventure: A Visit To Asspen 7-4-21

"Hmmmm....this feels REALLY good, Spuds!" "This looks promising...another adventure!" “Now we are both shed out, clean and ready for our adventure, Augie!” “Oh, look, Spuds! It’s Wrangler & Chasity! Oats around...LOL!!” “It’s Mirage and Francis, Augie...more oats...YAY!!!” “Francis sure is PURDY, Augie!”   “Still got that, Spuds!” “Nice to have Robin with us this time!” “Are we going to get a trim? It looks like Dean, Augie!” “No, Spuds, maybe a bath at this Bath House?” “This boardwalk is kinda tricky, Augie!” “How about a haircut at the Barbershop, Spuds?” ...

Wrangler’s Donkey Diary: Sarcoid Treatment Again 1-29-20

Wrangler had his first sarcoid removal on 7-20-18, but we found another one just a few weeks ago starting under his right side. It looked like he had been rubbing it as it was a bit crusty. I had a mule that did that to a sarcoid and it eventually disappeared as did the other two that were on his body. He apparently built immunity against the sarcoids. So, we opted to wait and see if this one on Wrangler would also just go away. It didn’t and it was ...

MULE CROSSING: Donkeys As Livestock Guardians

By Meredith Hodges There has been a lot of discussion since the early nineties around using donkeys for small livestock protection and predator control. Donkeys can certainly be a formidable opponent for cats and dogs and other smaller animals. One needs to be careful about who the donkey is pastured with since it is in their nature to pursue and sometimes kill animals that are smaller and weaker than them. This is true in all donkeys, although some individual females tend to be more maternal and are not apt to ...

Another Augie and Spuds Adventure: A Fabulous Snow Day! 10-31-19

AUGIE & SPUDS: SNOWPLAY...A FABULOUS SNOW DAY! No matter what season it is, there is always a way to turn training into fun with your equines. Usually, Augie and Spuds will just stand in their stalls when there is snow on the ground. I suppose they don’t like getting their feet wet and their stall is a nice, comfortable place with deep shavings. They do enjoy my encouragement to go exploring though, even if they have to get their feet wet! See more adventures with Augie and Spuds on my ...


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General Interest

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Hearts & Horses

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MULE CROSSING: Reflecting On Longears

By Meredith Hodges The contributions being made by mules and donkeys today are more numerous than they have ever been before and we should give thanks that we still have these Longears touching our lives and making them full! When the age of automation arrived, many mules, donkeys, and horses were put out of work. Mechanical alternatives were taking their places in the fields, in the coal mines, along the canals and even in the mountains. Horses made a somewhat smooth conversion of use to modern day recreation, but it ...

MULE CROSSING: Mules Accepted by U.S.E.F. in Dressage!

By Meredith Hodges It’s 2004 and “You’ve come a long way, Baby!” The movement to have mules accepted by major equine organizations began with the United States Dressage Federation in 1986, 17 years ago! There was still the hurdle of being accepted by the most prestigious equine organization in the country at the time, the American Horse Show Association that sanctioned all upper level shows and competitions. Since then, the mules’ participation in significant horse events was a long, uphill climb and membership in the A.H.S.A. was only a dream ...

MULE CROSSING: In Celebration of Mule History

By Meredith Hodges George Washington imported the first jacks into the United States on October 26, 1785. The two jacks were a special gift to him from the King of Spain, although one died during the crossing. Royal Gift made it to become the sire of Washington’s mules at Mount Vernon. Two hundred years later, October 26th became Mule Appreciation Day as a result of mule’s increased popularity in modern times. George Washington was one of the very few in his time who recognized the value of breeding good mares ...

MULE CROSSING: Contemporary Mules

Mules played an important role in our country during the Reconstruction Period: they patiently worked the fields, packed necessary artillery for the army, and served as a durable riding and driving animal in the westward movement. With the coming of the industrial age, their uses were minimized and they were faced with the possibility of extinction in the march of progress. Today, through the persistent determination of mule enthusiasts, mules are once again emerging as a conceivable asset to our economy and a unique form of athletic achievement and entertainment ...

MULE CROSSING: From Mules to Riches

By Meredith Hodges Long before the Founding Fathers drafted our constitution, America began as a religious nation under God, and the mule has his roots in religion just as does the country he has helped to build. The mule of today’s ancestor is the donkey, mentioned in the Bible numerous times as an animal respected by God and blessed by Jesus Christ. The donkey was even chosen to bring Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem and, later, acted as the mount Jesus himself used for his ride into the city of ...

MULE CROSSING: Celebrating the Pioneer Spirit of the American Mule

By Meredith Hodges Long before the Founding Fathers drafted our constitution, the roots of America were as a religious nation under God. Today’s mule also has his roots in religion. The mule’s ancestor—the donkey—is mentioned in the Bible numerous times as an animal acknowledged by God and blessed by Jesus Christ. The donkey was even chosen to bring Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem and, later, as the mount Jesus himself used for his ride into the city of Jerusalem. Throughout the development of our country—one nation under God—the American mule ...

MULE CROSSING: Suitability of Donkeys and Mules For Children

By Meredith Hodges Many have inquired as to the suitability of Longears for children. As with any equine, choosing the right individual for your child is of primary importance. However, as a general rule, we find that donkeys make excellent mounts for beginning riders because of their patient, quiet nature and good common sense. They can be the best possible babysitter. There are a lot of things to consider when choosing a donkey for your child. The first rule to observe is to never get a donkey jack for your ...


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Longears Videos

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Lucky Three Ranch

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Military Mules

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Mule Talk! Podcasts

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Pack Burro Racing

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Statues & Exhibits

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Training Tips

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