WRANGLER’S DONKEY DIARY: First Turnout with Chasity: 6-10-20
We tore down the quarantine panels and made one big area for Wrangler’s and Chasity’s turnout. Today would be their first time together in an open area by themselves. Chasity spent two months in quarantine with a double fence between them, then two weeks with a single fence between them. For those two weeks, they were introduced to the round pen and lunged together with no problems. Wrangler has finally found his “LADY LOVE!” But, for the time being, Wrangler ...

Wrangler was introduced to our new donkey jennet, Chasity, with a double fence between them and has seen me working with her for two months now. After being alone in turnout for three years, he will finally have a turnout buddy once she is out of quarantine. This will happen in just a few days. However, I could sense that Wrangler was jealous of the time I was spending with Chasity, so I decided to surprise him! He obediently came ...

WRANGLER’S DONKEY DIARY: Wrangler’s New Love! 3-30-20
Wrangler came to us in 2017 and has had to be in turnout by himself because he was so rambunctious that he didn’t really fit into any of our turnout groups. He was always turned out next to “friend” like Sir Guy but never with anyone else. Mr. Moon was his stable buddy, but still, there was always a run fence between them. Mr. Moon recently turned 32 years old and developed a condition that required that he be put down. Wrangler’s “stable buddy” ...

Wrangler’s Donkey Diary: Sarcoid Treatment Again 1-29-20
Wrangler had his first sarcoid removal on 7-20-18, but we found another one just a few weeks ago starting under his right side. It looked like he had been rubbing it as it was a bit crusty. I had a mule that did that to a sarcoid and it eventually disappeared as did the other two that were on his body. He apparently built immunity against the sarcoids. So, we opted to wait and see if this one on Wrangler ...

Wrangler’s Donkey Diary: Wrangler’s Summer Bath 7-11-19
It was a perfect hot day for Wrangler's yearly summer bath! We tried taking a "selfie" with a Canon camera and telephoto lens...not too bad for our first try! He's a real ham! He loves to smile for the camera and eat oats from the fanny pack. Just tell him to and he perks his ears for the pictures! Wrangler is now an 11 year old gelding and softens my loss of Little Jack Horner in 2014! Wrangler is so ...

Wrangler’s Donkey Diary: Sarcoid Treatment 7-20-18
Wrangler has almost completely shed out and during my last weekly grooming, I discovered a small sarcoid on his left forearm and decided to consult with my veterinarian, Greg Farrand. Wrangler munched in the fanny pack while we talked. Dr. Farrand Carefully inspected the sarcoid and determined that it was not a candidate for removal because of it’s precarious location. There was no way to grab loose skin around it like there was with prior sarcoids on other animals. I ...

Wrangler’s Donkey Diary: Second Lesson Day 6-4-18
Simple hairbrush bristles remove more undercoat Bristles are longer which is enough to get it all The loose hair on top scrapes off easily No more shedding blade hair breakage Place girth 4 inches from forearm Adjust back girth snug enough to hold the saddle down Lossen crupper strap & insert tail Scratch rear for relaxation of the tail Adjust snugly, but not tight Place saddle over the center of balance Much improved walking in sync Patient while opening gate ...

Wrangler’s Donkey Diary: First Lesson Day 4-3-18
Needed to correct following from behind Posture at the gate is a bit slouchy First time in the “Elbow Pull” – Track Left Walk First time in the “Elbow Pull” – Track Right Walk Exit Gate Enter Tack Barn Remove Saddle – Learn to stay quiet Exit Tack Barn ...

Wrangler’s Donkey Diary: First Turnout Day 7-28-17
Okay, you’re on your own for awhile Hmmmm...who’s this? Sir Guy? You smell okay! I see green, but I can’t reach it! These guys look a bit familiar. So you are MINI donkeys, eh? WOW! They even put in a mirror for me! Sniff...great sand! Rather short fence post. Great sand here! Perfect for a good roll! More green over here...still can’t reach it! More green here, too! STILL can’t reach it! Where did everyone at the barn go? ...

Wrangler’s Donkey Diary: Modeling Blanket for Trailering 7-17-17
When "Wrangler" was delivered in 2017, he came in with awful sores on his rear end. This is not unusual for donkeys. When I was showing "LIttle Jack Horner," we used to have the same issues when trailering him to shows. Of course, it was critical to prevent those sores, since he was showing, and would be docked points for something like that. Like most donkeys, he would lean back and brace his rump against the wall where it would ...