The following post comes from Chilly Pepper Equine Rescue.
After placing the first 7 babies, we picked up Shimmer (little gray girl) & Cocoa Puff, the chocolate colored baby mustang. The next Monday, along came Cupcake and her mama. Cupcake is a miniature horse and is about 6 months old. She is wild and untouched at this moment, but we will take the time we need to gentle her. :) She, as well as her mama, will be available for adoption, along with Shimmer and Cocoa Puff at a later date.
We placed Phantom in a wonderful home, (son of the Phantom Stallion), and watched him drive away as the tears flowed down. Loved him so, but it is the best thing for him to have a life where he will get all the attention he deserves :)
Tomorrow we take Velma and Cowboy to their new home. They will be staying together which is nice for them.

Big Girl had her x-rays today. She is in tough shape all around :( . She has very little sole between her coffin bone and the ground, and has extensive “ring bone” (arthritis) on both front feet, although more so on one side. She has very little hoof growth so far, but is on some really good supplements so hopefully that will change soon. Her heartbeat is elevated and irregular, and she will never be able to be ridden or worked again. It is painful for her to move, but Doc prescribed some new meds so we will see if that keeps her comfortable.
She needs lots of prayers for healing, but in the meantime we will give her as much time as she needs to get better, and she can spend her remaining time on this earth being a spoiled and much loved gentle giant. We want to give her all the love, time and happiness she deserves, and are hoping that with pain meds she will be comfortable enough to enjoy a few more years. She is the biggest sweetheart there is and so deserves some love and appreciation. (I still can’t believe the people think I bought her for a riding horse. arghhhh). But she needed to be saved and that is why God sent her to us.
We got a call about 6 babies today. Getting ready to load up and head out early, when we received another update that the folks changed their minds and are going to try and keep them. You are on a never ending emotional roller coaster ride when you do this. The day we placed Phantom was a day when I questioned if I could keep doing this. It is so very hard to let them go after you have rehabbed them and put so much time into their healing. But if we don’t move horse kids to good homes, we won’t be able to keep saving more.
But it is hard when you see babies in situations where folks have not had training for critical care and you know the babies need it. It sounds crazy, but I know many of you will understand. The minute you get that message, text or phone call about babies that need help, your heart is invested. It doesn’t matter that you haven’t laid eyes upon them yet, or touched them or spent time with them. In that instance they become “your babies”. That is what makes it possible to keep going through the craziness, the heart break and the non-stop never ending insanity that comes with this type of rescue. God hooks you up emotionally so you have what it takes to do whatever it takes. Then when you get that other call, it is a huge letdown. Especially knowing they need special care, but we can only do what we are allowed to do.
We want to thank everyone for being part of saving all of these lives. It means the whole world to each and every horse that we save, and although we can’t save them all, we are grateful for all the lives we do save because of folks like you and your love and support.
If you want to help You can go to You Caring – to help us save these horses.
You can go to Paypal – and click on Send or go to our website
if you would like to help these horses.
You can donate via check at Chilly Pepper – Miracle Mustang, 34694 Sidebottom Rd., Shingletown, CA 96088
530 474-5197 If you are interested in visiting or adopting one of these beautiful horses