UHC Roundup – January 2018
The UHC Roundup
The UHC Roundup is an online publication that compiles news articles and events related to unwanted horses. It highlights UHC member programs and success stories spanning all breeds, disciplines, and regions.If you wish to share your story of unwanted horses becoming wanted again, contact the UHC at afurst@horsecouncil.org.
UHC Announces New Program ‘Operation Chip’
Starting in 2018, the Unwanted Horse Coalition (UHC) will be offering a new service to its popular Operation Gelding program called “Operation Chip.”

Program Highlight
Horse people tend to operate on a different level of “busy” than most people, but Amy Paulus takes the term to a whole new level.
Success Story
Believe In You Needed Someone to Believe In Him
It was in 2009 at the Fasig-Tipton October Yearling Sale that bloodstock agent Mike McMahon first laid eyes on a dark bay colt that would eventually be named Believe In You.
Read More about Believe In You
Click to Read the UHC January Roundup in its Entirety
Operation Gelding Updates
$154,275 in funding provided
186 gelding clinics supported
Clinics offered in 33 states
306 vouchers distributedUPCOMING CLINICS
January 17, 22, 24, 2018
KSU College of Veterinary Medicine, Manhattan, KS
January 27, 2018
Edisto Equine Clinic, Yonges Island, SC
February 13, 2018
Waller Equine Hospital, Waller, TX
April 11, 2018
VA-MD College of Veterinary Medicine, Blacksburg, VA
April 28, 2018
Horse Haven of Tennessee/University of Tennessee Vet Med, Lancing, TNClick HERE to see full list of clinics.