The largest roundup of the year
The following is from the American Wild Horse Campaign:
As you’re reading this, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is continuing to round up wild horses in Nevada’s East Pershing Complex. Since the roundup began in late December, over a thousand of these incredible animals have been subjected to dangerous helicopter chases and inhumane treatment by BLM contractors in the largest scheduled roundup of Fiscal Year (FY) 2024.
So far, over 1,700 of the nearly 3,000 wild horses slated for removal have been captured. Nearly 20 innocent horses have already lost their lives during this operation, including a young foal who was euthanized at the capture site for an injury he suffered while being chased and roped by BLM wranglers.

AWHC has boots on the ground at the roundup to ensure people know what’s happening to the East Pershing wild horses. But that’s the thing – had our humane observer not been onsite to bear witness to and document stories like this foal’s, it’s possible the brutality our wild horses face would not be brought to light.
This foal’s tragic story is just one of many coming out from the East Pershing roundup. Days prior, BLM contractors herded a large number of horses into a trap, causing them to panic and attempt to escape – almost breaking through the panels.
Our observer captured footage of this incident. The same day, we captured footage showing a helicopter flying dangerously close to the horses’ heads, as well as unnecessary agitation by BLM contractors post-capture.
All of our roundup documentation is critical to establishing the need for reform and is essential to educating Congress and the American public. But, this is just the first of many roundups scheduled for FY 2024. We need to ensure we have the resources to send our observers to as many of these operations as possible so that no violation or mistreatment goes unrecorded. Will you chip in to support our observation program?
Thank you,
American Wild Horse Campaign