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Chilly Pepper – Just in Case You Missed it the first time. A reminder there is help for Chronic pain for you and your critters.
Hi all, In December 2016, Chilly Pepper brought home Anika and Midnight Onyx, two blind horses from the ISPMB rescue. This rescue was where I personally sorted 907 wild horses in -40 degree, blizzards. Thankfully with some amazing folks on my team helping to make this happen. Our good friend Terri Recknor Elliott stepped up and has been sponsoring them both since 2017. (She has been a long term supporter and great friend for the last 10 years as well.) In addition to showing nonstop love and support for Chilly Pepper, she is always trying to help raise funds for the rescue, as well as helping me try to manage my chronic pain. Terri recently launched a pet wellness company ...
Chilly Pepper -Saving Mares from Slaughter UPDATE: We have a donor who will MATCH UP TO $1000. DEADLINE IS TOMORROW!!
The following is from Chilly Pepper - Miracle Mustang: UPDATE - DEADLINE IS TOMORROW! We are about HALFWAY to being able to get them home safely. A WONDERFUL donor offered to match up to $1000, starting with anything donated after she called. That was July 5 at 2 p.m. SO YOUR MONEY IS WORTH TWICE AS MUCH! When we get to the $1000 and she matches it, the GIRLS & BABY WILL BE SAFE! PLEASE, Let's GIT 'ER DONE! More wild/unhandled horses heading to slaughter. There is a brand, new baby, (in pretty rough shape), with Mama who is set to ship. Mama is NOT being listed or offered to anyone else, and we are Her Only Chance!! (Baby won't ship with ...
Chilly Pepper – A Birthday 911! Another call – 2 unhandled Mares – 1 With new baby & 1 ready to foal. Shipping to slaughter if we don’t save them
The following is from Chilly Pepper - Miracle Mustang: Another Call, Another 911! 4 LIVES TO SAVE! More wild/unhandled horses heading to slaughter. There is a brand, new baby, (in pretty rough shape), with Mama who is set to ship. Mama is NOT being listed or offered to anyone else, and we are Her Only Chance!! (Baby won't ship with Mama), but they NEED to stay together. Mama is emaciated. If you look closely you can see her ribs. Her topline is horrible and her hips are sunken. I will post better photos later. You can see baby looks bad as well. (Look at how skinny and sunken his/her neck is). That is from Mama being starved while he/she was in utero. ...
Chilly Pepper – Quick update, Wild Mares Arrive Safely to new home, Help needed to keep the bears out and the critters in.
The following is from Chilly Pepper - Miracle Mustang: Great News on the Home Front! The beautiful wild mares, (one Pregnant and the other with her baby on her side), are at their new home with Jennifer Nelson at Mystic Meadows. She is an amazing lady that we are very fortunate to work with. "Tequila", the Pregnant, wild Jenny shown here, is also adopted. We have a pretty urgent need to finish perimeter fencing around the horse area. My friend who lives about 5 minutes away, recently watched our local "Cinnamon Bear" finish devouring a fawn he had killed. This brought back memories of the Wild Horse Sanctuary. Although more of the babies were killed by the Mountain Lions than the bears, ...
Chilly Pepper – Another 911 for Another Orphan Foal
The following is from Chilly Pepper - Miracle Mustang: I pulled the Donkeys, in spite of only raising half of what we need. The girls have hideous wounds from some "person" double hot branding them. Big open wounds that are pouring infection and extremely painful. They are lethargic and have been through the wringer. Now I need to get them vetted, along with the pregnant mares who just finished their quarantine. ALL of them need vetted. If this Pregnant Donkey rescue fundraiser is a sign of the times, we are all in trouble. I keep hearing of rescues closing and most of the ones I know are very close. TONIGHT the phone rang AGAIN. Another (truly) orphaned foal needs our help. She needs milk, vetting etc, ...
Chilly Pepper – URGENT CALL 911 for Pregnant Jennies and Donks Shipping TOMORROW. THEY NEED HELP NOW! It’s up to you
The following is from Chilly Pepper - Miracle Mustang: The Calls Keep Coming! These precious Jennies are pregnant, and the one on the bottom is just a baby. (yearling) THEY SHIP TOMORROW!! I don't want to picture the unborn babies being born and tramped in the slaughter trailer. I need to raise around $4000 so I can cover bail, shipping and feed for the first few months. That is just the beginning. I cannot take on more critters if I don't have enough funds to properly care for them. Things are extremely tight for most all of the rescues right now. Time is of the essence. Do I say YES? It IS up to you. I will do the work as always, ...