Helicopter cameras — 1 way we can hold the BLM accountable

The following is from the American Wild Horse Campaign:

Every year, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) uses helicopters to brutally round up thousands of wild horses and burros. The majority of these roundups occur in remote areas of the West — out of the public’s eye. Our team of observers work to document these operations to hold the BLM accountable and to educate the public as to what’s happening to our federally protected wild horses and burros.

The BLM and its contractors that execute these helicopter stampedes have placed a number of restrictions on public observation, creating a significant lack of transparency at the site of these traumatic roundups.

If these federal roundups continue, there is one way we can ensure accountability — cameras. If cameras are installed on every helicopter used to capture wild horses and burros we can create public transparency and independent oversight for any operations that occur out of the public’s view. Will you join us today by calling for the installation of cameras for all helicopter roundup operations?


We’ve seen time and time again that the public observation areas for each roundup are simply not enough to hold the BLM fully accountable. At the Wyoming Checkerboard roundup this past year, our team was placed over a mile away from the trap site and in a spot where terrain blocked most of our view.

Oversight and documentation drive accountability. Accountability that is badly needed to preserve the freedom — and more importantly, the lives — of America’s wild horses and burros. If you’re with us, will you call on the BLM today to require contractors to install cameras on their helicopters used in roundup operations?



AWHC Observation Team