The difference you make
The following is from the American Wild Horse Campaign:

There’s one thing standing between our opponents getting their way and ushering in a new policy to slaughter America’s wild horses: you.
This was our organization’s most challenging year ever. But, thanks to you, we overwhelmingly succeeded.
From legal and Senate wins, to education and advocacy milestones, to holding BLM accountable for its inhumane roundups, we’ve been fighting back against all the dangers wild horses and burros face. Our opponents may have the power and money. But we’ve always had the people on our side.
Here are just a few of our 2017 successes:
- Convinced Senate to stand against slaughter. We fought the Interior Department’s request to slaughter nearly 100,00 of America’s wild horses with everything we had. Together, we led a massive grassroots, advocacy, and paid media campaign. It paid off in November when the Senate maintained prohibitions on killing and slaughter. The fight’s not over, but the Senate’s position is a major victory for our side.
- Litigated to stop destruction of wild herds and removal of habitat. We scored major victories in federal court that stopped the BLM from destroying an entire wild horse population in Idaho by sterilizing every member of the herd, and from turning over wild horse habitat in California to private livestock interests.
- Vaccinated more mares with birth control than the BLM did. Our volunteer team on Nevada’s Virginia Range darted more horses with humane birth control this year than the entire BLM did in 2016!
- Mobilized 300,000 citizens. We delivered over 300,000 signatures to key Congressional offices in Reno, Phoenix and Las Vegas and to a National BLM Advisory Board meeting in Colorado, urging support for humane management methods for wild horses and burros.
- Educated the public about federal cruelty to wild horses & burros. We showed the world what our government is doing to our mustangs in the remote areas of the West where wild horses live. Our high quality video footage of BLM helicopter roundups was seen by millions on social media, raising significant public awareness about our government’s inhumane treatment of wild horses and burros.
That’s only a small glimpse of the work we’ve done. I am so proud of our excellent team and the hard work they put in this year. But most of all, I am so very grateful for you: your dedication, your support, and your actions. You are the backbone of what we do.
From all of us here, and on behalf of the magnificent wild horses and burros we are fighting so hard to save, thank you.
Suzanne Roy
PS. Want to help us make even more of an impact of 2018? Pitch in now to support our year-end fundraising efforts and fuel all of our vital work to protect wild horses and burros and meet the challenges of the year ahead.