Update on ISPMB from Chilly Pepper-Miracle Mustang Rescue

The following is an update and support request from Chilly Pepper-Miracle Mustang Rescue.

Last week Matt and I went to ISPMB and brought home a 3 year old and 2 yearlings. The situation is pretty complicated at this point and Karen is trying to adopt out approximately 100 horses.

Four State Vets went out and one horse was scheduled to be euthanized, and approximately 30 need to be sorted for special care.. The count was 810 horses on site, and as of now the Sheriff’s office and Counties are feeding the horses. The horses have been gaining weight steadily with all the good food.

Karen is providing a detailed plan to care for, feed and provide necessary care for the horses. Per the Court order she has until the 21st of October to provide her plan and until I believe the 11th of November to follow through. IF the county does not accept her plan, the horses could be seized and if not adopted out by December 1st they would go to “auction”, and we all know what that means. Karen feels confident that she will retain her horses but does want to make sure she downsizes.

At this time there are many horses available for adoption. Matt and I were asked to return next week to pick up more horses to be adopted out. We are working with Karen to get some good homes for some of these beautiful horses.

It is definitely not an inexpensive endeavor, but circumstances dictate helping to move as many horses as we possibly can before the bad weather hits.

Below are pictures of the horses we brought home. They also need hoof care badly.