Another Augie and Spuds Adventure: Yearly Baths Are Fun! 7-13-20

“What do you suppose is happening today, Augie?”

“Yippee! It’s a 102 degrees and bath time!”

“Baths with Billy Bad Ass are really fun, Spuds!”

“Excuse me, Augie! I need the hose for Spuds now.”

“Thanks, Augie, now the left front, please”

“What a GOOD BOY! Thanks, Augie!”

“Now the right front, please!”

“You are so AWESOME, Augie!”

“Hey, Augie, why are YOU getting all the praise… and the oats?!”

“I dunno, Spuds, but this hairbrush sure feels good and it’s really getting out all that dead hair! Feels GREAT!”

“Aw, Spuds, were you feeling left out?!”

“Not really, Mom, just make sure I get some oats!”       

“Okay, Spuds, let me have your leg and I’ll give you some oats!”

“Okay, Augie, now that your mane is done, let’s do the rest of you.”  

“Hmmmm…this tastes pretty good on a hot day!”

“You are so adorable, Augie! Love your cutesy face!”

“Yeah, Yeah! Give it a rest, Mom! This is embarrassing!”

“Now for your teeth, Augie, smile pretty…

and the front leg…

…and now the back leg!”

“What a GOOD BOY! Wanna drink, Augie?!”   “Sure, Mom, why not?!”

“Hey, Spuds, this is cool with you, me and Billy Bad Ass!”

“Yeah, Augie, not too bad and we dry pretty quickly. Here comes the Baby oil and fly spray!”

“We’re getting pretty good at the gates, eh, Augie?!”

“When you get oats for doing it right, it’s even better yet, Spuds!”

“Of course, she WOULD throw us a curve! That is one HUMUNGOUS truck, Augie! Are you sure we’re okay?”      

“Of course, we are! She would never ask us to do anything that would hurt us! She LOVES US!”

“I suppose you’re right, Augie!”

To learn more about Meredith Hodges and her comprehensive all-breed equine training program, visit or call 1-800-816-7566. Check out her children’s website at Also, find Meredith on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter.

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