Storewide Sale 20% off *
The following is from All About Equine Animal Rescue:
Shop at AAE’s Used Tack Store and support AAE!
Storewide Sale 20% off *
* a few exceptions apply
It’s time to shop ’til you drop!
9a to 6p today
(Friday 11/29/19)
4261 Sunset Lane
Shingle Springs, CA 95682

Please visit the store; we will NOT likely be able to respond to individual inquiries.
If you’re not in the shopping spirit, we’d happily receive tack donations, too.
All proceeds from store sales support AAE operations.
We are Thankful!!
You’re helping us get the south and southeast portions of our new fencing done!
Thank you to Jean R. for heading up the team, and
special thanks to Micah Smith/Tailored Tree and Callie Mirsky/Cali Homes
for always coming to the rescue, bringing your help and friends to AAE
Thank you!

If you can help AAE build more fences, we need you. We have a lot yet to do.
Please email if you’d like to join the fence team!!
Looking for a Horse??
We have quite a few really nice horses available for adoption!
Here are a few…

Check out our website to see all of our available horses.
We’ve Extended Our Hours!
Check out our facebook page for pop-up hours and specials!
Proceeds from the store support AAE operations.
If you’d like to donate tack or join the volunteer team at the store, please send us an email.
New Volunteer Needs
As many of you know, we’ve been trying to expand store hours.
We need a second person (no experience necessary) to help staff the store on Tuesday, Wednesday, and/or Thursday afternoons, 2p-6p, can you help?
If you’re interested in helping with tack store activities (e.g. cleaning donated tack, researching/pricing, organizing, helping customers, sharing AAE info, admin support, and more), we need you.
Current store hours are Fri-Mon 12-4p, and recently added Thurs hours 2-6p.
We can always use help during any of the current hours, too.
Please email us if you are interested/available Tues, Wed, or Thurs afternoons, 2-6p.

If you are available to help with administrative activities, we are creating admin hours in the office at the store.
We have a variety of administrative tasks we need help getting done.
Please email us if you are interested/available Tues, Wed, or Thurs afternoons, 2p-6p.
We have kicked off our Boots & Bling planning for 2020.
The event has included a catered BBQ Dinner, DJ Music and Dancing, Live/Silent/Dessert auctions,
a special fundraiser, and line dancing with instruction.
We need help in most areas for planning for this event to make sure its a huge success for AAE and our horses.
Please email us if you are interested in helping with Boots & Bling.
We meet once a month until the event.

Maybe you’d like to help around the barn, but don’t want to work directly with the horses, or you don’t like to muck?
We could use some help cleaning and organizing, whether it’s the feed room, the meds room, the office, the tools, groundskeeping, painting shelters, monitoring the fencelines, tree trimming, coordinating vehicle maintenance, or a zillion other things.
There’s so much that needs to be done, and
we could use some extra hands to help keep things looking nicer and more clean.
Please email us if you are interested/available during regular barn shifts,
Mon-Sat 8a-noon, Sun 9a-1p or afternoons 3p-6p.

Daily Horse Care, especially pm shifts needed now
(Daily 8a-12p or 3p-6p)
Used Tack Store Support, all areas
(Fri – Mon, 12-4p)
Barn/Facility Maintenance
Foster Homes, Long-Term Foster/Sanctuary Homes
Capital Campaign Support
Board Members
Grants – Writing and Research
Volunteer, Project, and Activity Coordinators
Outreach Activities
Youth Programs
Therapy Programs
Veteran Programs
Special Projects
Admin Support
Social Media
Media and/or Photo Librarian
More, more, more

Interested in volunteering or volunteering in other areas?
Employers Match Donations, Does Yours?
Hey volunteers!
Did you know YOU could earn grant money for AAE from your employer just by volunteering?
Many Employers offer money when their employees volunteer. Here are a few examples:
provides a $10 grant to a nonprofit per every volunteer hour by an employee, and matches funds dollar for dollar up to $5,000 per employee or retiree.
Microsoft provides a $17 grant to a nonprofit per every hour volunteered by an employee.
Apple provides a $25 grant to a nonprofit per every volunteer hour by an employee, and matches funds dollar for dollar up to $10,000 per employee.
Verizon provides a $750 grant to a nonprofit when an employee volunteers for 50+ hours.
- State Farm provides a $500 grant nonprofit when an employee volunteers for+ 40 hours.
- Others top 20 matching gift and/or volunteer grant companies include
- Starbucks
- CarMax
- Home Depot
- JP Morgan
- Chevron
- Soros Fund Management
- BP (British Petroleum)
- Gap Corporation
- State Street Corporation
- ExxonMobil
- Johnson & Johnson
- Boeing
- Disney
- Merck
- Aetna
- Dell
- Outerwall (CoinStar and RedBox)
- ConocoPhillips
- RealNetworks
- Time Warner and subsidiaries
- AllState
- and more
Check with your employer. You could help purchase our next load of hay!