What Can Your Donation Do?
The following is from All About Equine Animal Rescue:
It’s Finally Here!! The BIG Day of Giving!!
Last year it cost over $60,000 for feed, supplements and care for the horses at AAE! Your donation of any amount will help feed a horse, assist with the cost of veterinary care, or provide for other needs such as hoof or dental care.

Help Us Make a Difference!
- Schedule a Single Donation Now (starting as little as $15) to All About Equine Animal Rescue by clicking Donate: Big Day of Giving – AAE
- Become a Sponsor for an All About Equine Animal Rescue Horse by clicking Sponsor: AAE Horse (recurring payment)
- Spread the word. Tell your friends, post on Facebook, and tweet about it. This is an opportunity to be part of something really big. Help us get there. #BDOG2018
Boots and Bling is Saturday!!!
Only a couple tickets remain forAAE’s 5th Annual Boots and Blingfundraiser. Don’t miss out on this Fun event.This is a super fun event that includesa BBQ dinner by Double Barrel Smokehouse,Live and Silent Auctions, Music and Dancing!Boots & Bling funds a large portion of AAE’s annual budget ensuring we continue saving and serving horses and humans throughout the yearPlease support those who support AAE:
NorCal Feed/Thrive Horse FeedCarrie’s Small Business SolutionsAAE’s 2018-19 Calendars are Here!
These are high quality, 16-month calendars that feature AAE horses, volunteers, and even a few adopters. The calendars can be purchased at All About Equine Used Tack Store for $20. We also have a few available at the barn. Purchasing one is a great way to show your support for AAE.Alternatively, order via the following link:(Please note in “special instructions” that you are purchasing a calendar, andif you need us to mail yours, kindly add $3 for shipping.)Daily Horse Care, especially pm shifts
Used Tack Store Support, all areas
Barn/Facility Maintenance
Foster Homes, Long-Term Foster/Sanctuary Homes
Capital Campaign Support
Board Members
Grants – Writing and Research
Volunteer, Project, and Activity Coordinators
Outreach Activities
Youth Programs
Therapy Programs
Veteran Programs
Special Projects
Admin Support
Social Media
Media and/or Photo LibrarianMore, more, more
Interested in volunteering or volunteering in other areas?
Email volunteer@allaboutequine.orgSubmit a Review Today!
Great NonProfits – Top Rated Awards
Thanks to YOUR input in 2017, AAE is once again a Top-Rate nonprofit!If you love our work, then tell the world! Stories about us from people like you will help us make an even bigger impact in our community in the future.
GreatNonprofits is the #1 source of nonprofit stories and feedback, and it honors highly regarded nonprofits each year with their Top-Rated List.
Won’t you help us raise visibility for our work by posting a brief story of your experience with us? All content will be visible to potential donors and volunteers.
It’s easy and only takes 3 minutes!
Click here to get started!
Employers Match Donations, Does Yours?
Hey volunteers!
Did you know YOU could earn grant money for AAE from your employer just by volunteering?
Many Employers offer money when their employees volunteer. Here are a few examples:
- Intel provides a $10 grant to a nonprofit per every volunteer hour by an employee, and matches funds dollar for dollar up to $5,000 per employee or retiree.
- Microsoft provides a $17 grant to a nonprofit per every hour volunteered by an employee.
- Apple provides a $25 grant to a nonprofit per every volunteer hour by an employee, and matches funds dollar for dollar up to $10,000 per employee.
- Verizon provides a $750 grant to a nonprofit when an employee volunteers for 50+ hours.
- State Farm provides a $500 grant nonprofit when an employee volunteers for+ 40 hours.
- Others top 20 matching gift and/or volunteer grant companies include
- Starbucks
- CarMax
- Home Depot
- JP Morgan
- Chevron
- Soros Fund Management
- BP (British Petroleum)
- Gap Corporation
- State Street Corporation
- ExxonMobil
- Johnson & Johnson
- Boeing
- Disney
- Merck
- Aetna
- Dell
- Outerwall (CoinStar and RedBox)
- ConocoPhillips
- RealNetworks
- Time Warner and subsidiaries
- AllState
- and more
Check with your employer. You could help purchase our next load of hay!