Another Augie and Spuds Adventure: Mini Mania 1-10-12


Spuds and Augie had a very special adventure this week. Though the two mini donkeys have been getting along with each other and the mules in the neighboring stalls, they’d never met the other “minis” on the ranch—Frances, Franklin and Mirage. That changed today when they all came out for a playdate in the indoor arena. Seeing all these little guys working together really proves that size doesn’t matter!

Yippee! It’s another adventure day!

Whoa…who’s this?!!!

Augie, Spuds, I would like you to meet Frances, Franklin and Mirage!

Hey, Augie, can we say we are now “Many Minis?!”

I wonder what’s next?!

I don’t know, but she still wants to clean our ears!

Oh, Spuds, quit being silly. It’s just the indoor arena!

Hey, where is she going? Don’t leave us here by ourselves!

Oh, wow! Here comes Mirage, Franklin and Frances!

Aha! Playtime! The more the merrier!

Okay Spuds, what’s next?!

So now we’re in a round pen with these guys and no harness! What’s up?!

Hey, Spuds, I think we’re supposed to follow the other guys!

Okay, I get it!

Hey, Spuds, did she say “Whoa?!”

Hey, Augie, I can’t get this horsey hotshot off my ass!

Hey, Spuds, they’re gone now!…Not now, Augie, I’m being praised!

Come on, Spuds! She’s calling us!

Hey hotshot, get outta here! It’s not your turn!

I told you so!!!

To learn more about Meredith Hodges and her comprehensive all-breed equine training program, visit or call 1-800-816-7566. Check out her children’s website at
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