The Best News!
The following is from All About Equine Rescue:
Mollie & Mila Went Home!
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Look Who Went Home!
Adoptions are always some of the best news, ever! Last week mom & filly pair, Mollie & Mila, went to their forever home, together!! They are the first of the law enforcement horses to graduate to their new homes – this is a big first step in finding new families for all of these sweet creatures fur babies.
Look at their amazing transformations from when we first met them (below) until they arrived at their new home. It’s hard to believe these two were with us less than four months.

Thank you to Alison & Tom for adding these lovely ladies to their family! And thanks to all of you that supported their rescue and helped them get to their happily ever after.
We are so happy they found their home, and we can’t wait to match the other horses with the right home!
View the adoptable horses to see if you’re a fit for anyone! And refer a friend, share the info, repost! Together, we can make it happen!